
While it may seem like a great idea initially, the truth is those who purchase cheap solar systems are often stung by much higher costs in the long run, or they are left with a system that doesn’t generate anywhere near as much as they expected.

                                                                          cheap solar panels

 In the midst of unseasonal rains in Pune, India - makes you realise just how long the discussion on Quality vs Cost still has to go in India The sooner consumers realise this, and prioiritize quality over cost the brighter the future of the Solar Industry in India would be.

 Cheap solar PV systems are usually cheap in components, as well as price. If the 5kW PV system you’re considering is well below the market average, we encourage you to look closely at the products being offered.

Solar Panels

If substandard plastic/glue is used in your panels, or if poor manufacturing processes are followed, a process called delamination can occur. This refers to the bond between the plastic and glass of your solar panel detaching, allowing moisture and air to enter the panel, causing corrosion and failure. In addition, poor panels also suffer from micro cracks and other cell damage which will quickly decrease the overall efficiency of your solar cells.

Balance of System

Cheaper PV systems also cut corners by using non-genuine, plastic Balance of System components. This includes MC4 compatible imitations rather than genuine Multi-Contact M4 Connectors, and plastic housed DC rooftop isolators, which not only fail much quicker but can also pose fire risks given the heat and intense UV we experience. Infinite Energy only stock aluminium enclosed DC rooftop isolators

 Purchasing the Cheapest System May Impact Your Returns

In addition to reducing carbon emissions, most homeowners purchase a solar PV system to save on their electricity bills. Because payback periods for solar PV systems can be anywhere between 2-5 years, it might end up being a few years before you’re able to directly pocket any savings. Therefore, your solar PV system will essentially only save you money if it continues to perform after the payback period. While purchasing a good quality system may cost you more initially, you have the peace of mind that it will continue to perform and save you money long into the future. The cost of replacing faulty parts in the future will be substantially more expensive, and completely nullify any savings you may have made in the short-term.
Purchasing a solar PV system is more complicated than simply buying something like a microwave or TV, it is a power station attached to one of your most valuable assets – your home, and the quality of a good panel or inverter is something only money can buy.

For advices on investing in a solar PV system for your home, give us a call on 7722087584